4 A prodromal phase can be described in most instances of depress

4 A prodromal phase can be described in most instances of depression,6 and only a minority

of patients become asymptomatic after successful treatment. Current, pathophysiological models of pathogenesis in depression thus neglect intermediate phenomenological steps in the balance between health and disease (Table I). Table I Stages of primary unipolar depression1 Staging has Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the potential to improve the logic and timing of interventions, just as it does in many complex and serious medical disorders.5 Drug mechanisms which may be operational in the initial phase of treatment may change during long-term treatment and according to the stages of illness.8 This approach is also in accordance with the selleck compound sequential model of treatment,

which was found to be effective in clinical ARQ197 molecular weight medicine and psychiatry.9 The majority of depressed patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical do not qualify for one, but for several, Axis I and Axis II disorders.10 However, there is comorbidity which wanes upon successful treatment of depression and comorbidity which persists, in syndromal or subsyndromal forms (residual symptoms). Clinical differentiation of such morbidity requires a shift from the current, psychometric model (where severity is determined by the number of symptoms and not by intensity or quality) to a clinimetric model,10-12 which may allow Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the definition of the progression, extent, and severity of depressive illness. Measurement Total absence of psychological symptoms is not a frequent characteristic of the general healthy population.13 As a result, the determination of recovery depends on the symptom intensity under which recovery is defined, and on the type and characteristics of the measurements we select. In the recovery phase symptoms are typically milder than those of the full clinical syndrome.1 The capacity of the assessment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical instrument to measure small increments or small changes near

the normal end of the spectrum becomes important. The ability of a rating or self-rating scale to discriminate between different groups of patients suffering from the same illness (eg, depressed inpatients and outpatients) and to reflect changes in experiments in therapeutics such as drug trials in which the drug effects are small may indicate its degree of sensitivity.13 This concept is particularly important when treatment, effects are Anacetrapib small and in the setting of subclinical symptoms.1 Unfortunately, researchers tend to focus on the psychometric characteristics of validity and reliability and to neglect sensitivity.10,14,15 They may thus employ inadequately sensitive instruments to establish lack of significant symptomatology. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D)16 is an example of an instrument based on the classical psychometric model.

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