5, 5 5–7 5, 7 5–10, 10–12, 12–15, 15–23, 23–36, and 36–48 Hz Cor

5, 5.5–7.5, 7.5–10, 10–12, 12–15, 15–23, 23–36, and 36–48 Hz. Cortical regions and spectral frequency ranges of interest can be chosen for subsequent HIRREM sessions. Examples of the output from this analysis program are shown in Figure 3, which depicts changing amplitudes in the 0–1 and 36–48 Hz frequency bands, over five successive HIRREM exercises at the temporal lobes. As of the time of this writing, new analytic software is being developed to enable computer-guided recommendations for protocols to implement in successive HIRREM sessions. The new session-to-session analytic tool performs primarily time-domain analysis of amplitudes in the 10 aforementioned ranges, aggregated over 15-sec intervals after removing

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical first and last 30 sec to eliminate artifacts related to the start or end of the exercise. Data are fitted using regression analysis to determine trends of symmetry and proportionation of spectral power. Based on the identified trends, HIRREM protocol suggestions are made for the next session. Figure 3 Changing asymmetry at the bilateral temporal

lobes over the course of five successive HIRREM exercises, in the 0–1 Hz (A) and 36–48 Hz (B) frequency bands. Yellow line represents amplitudes at T3, and red line represents amplitudes at … Use of HIRREM master database to guide iterative innovations in hardware and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical software All data associated with the HIRREM procedure including responses to the questionnaires, the assessments, and all HIRREM exercises are stored locally on computers at various locations throughout the world where HIRREM is provided. These locations are linked by Internet to the corporate headquarters of the developers

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of HIRREM technology (Brain State Technologies, Scottsdale, AZ). On a nightly basis, these data are uploaded without personal identifiers into a master database located at the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical corporate headquarters. The information in this database allows for exploratory hypothesis testing to identify possible correlations between symptom clusters and EEG patterns, thereby facilitating the refinement of HIRREM from software designs and protocol options. Thus, HIRREM technology is continuously adjusted and refined to selectively provide resonance for cortical regions and EEG spectral ranges which may better assist the subject’s own unique self-regulatory process. Notably, the master database is not used to generate BLU9931 normative values for EEG parameters, against which subjects would be compared and which would be held as a basis for therapeutic goals. Results Overview As of September 2012, HIRREM technology is being used by over 200 providers in North America, Europe, South Africa, Asia, and Australia. Over 50,000 subjects have undergone HIRREM worldwide and are contained in the database. Case series of outcomes have been reported for individuals with neurodegenerative disease (Singh and Gerdes 2009a) and depression (Singh and Gerdes 2009b).

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