AAV5-hSynapsin-EYFP (UNC Vector Core Services) was used in contro

AAV5-hSynapsin-EYFP (UNC Vector Core Services) was used in control animals. The injection was made at a 20 angle to the dorsal-ventral

axis (0.40 mm Arry-380 concentration anterior, 2.12 mm lateral at the 20 angle, 5.80 mm ventral to pia along the rotated axis) in order to target the MS without damaging the medially located central sinus. After 5 min of equilibration the injection was made over 7 min with the pipette remaining in place an additional 10 min post-injection to prevent reflux. Once withdrawn, the scalp was stapled closed, ketofen was administered as an analgesic (3–5 mg/kg) to minimize pain, and the rats were quarantined for 72 h before returning to normal housing. Hippocampal injections were similarly performed, but the craniectomy was made 3.30 mm posterior and 3.20 mm lateral over the right dorsal hippocampus. An injection of 1.8 μL of 1012 particles/mL AAV2-CaMKIIα-hChR2(H134R)-mCherry was made along the dorsal–ventral axis at 3.10 mm depth to pia to target the

hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Identical closure and quarantine procedures were performed. The second survival surgery was performed two weeks later, which we have found to provide ample time for robust channel expression. For the medial septal stimulation experiments, a second craniectomy was made over the right dorsal hippocampus centered at 3.50 mm posterior and 2.80 mm lateral to bregma. The dura was incised with a sterile curved scalpel blade. The TDT array was positioned at a 50 angle to midline, with the posterior end swung laterally, to match the positioning of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layers (Rolston et al., 2010b). The MEA was lowered while simultaneously recording single unit and LFP activity to attain the ideal positioning (Rolston et al., 2009b). When the electrophysiologic recordings stabilized, the original injection craniectomy was reopened, and a calibrated optical fiber ferrule was implanted at a 20 angle to the dorsal–ventral axis (0.40 mm anterior, 2.12 mm lateral in the rotated axis). Stimulation was performed as Drug_discovery the ferrule was implanted, with the resulting

recordings immediately analyzed spectrographically. Descent was halted when a strong stimulus-response signal was observed in the spectrogram, or when the optical ferrule reached a depth of 5.50 mm from pia along the rotated axis. For the hippocampal stimulation experiment, the previous craniectomy was reopened and expanded, and the combined optical fiber and NeuroNexus electrode array (Figure ​Figure1J1J) was inserted while similarly stimulating. Stimulation artifacts were noted in the upper cortical layers where there was no viral expression, and were recorded for later artifact analysis. A LFP response was visible in the hippocampus in addition to the artifact and so the implantation was halted at 2.80 mm at the shank tip.

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