After PCR amplification through 15 cycles followed

After PCR amplification through 15 cycles followed Vismodegib 879085-55-9 by double size selection, the single stranded paired end library was then quantified on the Quant-it Ribogreen kit (Invitrogen) on the Genios Tecan fluorometer at 72 pg/��L. The library concentration equivalence was calculated as 1.99E+08 molecules/��L. The library was stored at -20��C until further use. The shotgun library was clonally amplified with 0.5 cpb and 1 cpb in 2 SV-emPCR reactions per condition, with the GS Titanium SV emPCR Kit (Lib-L) v2 (Roche). The yield of the emPCR was 9.2% for 0.5 cpb and 12% for 1 cpb in the range of 5 to 20% from the Roche procedure. Approximately 790,000 beads were loaded on 1/4 region of a GS Titanium PicoTiterPlate PTP Kit 70��75 and sequenced with the GS FLX Titanium Sequencing Kit XLR70 (Roche).

The run was performed overnight and then analyzed on the cluster through the gsRunBrowser and Newbler assembler (Roche). A total of 228,882 passed filter wells were obtained and generated 76.8Mb of DNA sequence with a average length of 336 bp. The global passed filter sequences were assembled using Newbler with 90% identity and 40 bp as overlap. The final assembly identified 5 scaffolds and 32 large contigs (>1,500 bp) generating a genome size of 1.7 Mb. Genome annotation Open Reading Frames (ORFs) were predicted using Prodigal [35] with default parameters but the predicted ORFs were excluded if they spanned a sequencing gap region. The predicted bacterial protein sequences were searched against the GenBank database [36] and the Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) databases using BLASTP.

The tRNAScanSE tool [37] was used to find tRNA genes, whereas ribosomal RNAs were found by using RNAmmer [38] and BLASTN against the GenBank database. Signal peptides and numbers of transmembrane helices were predicted using SignalP [39] and TMHMM [40], respectively. ORFans were identified if their BLASTP E-value was lower than 1e-03 for alignment length greater than 80 amino acids. If alignment lengths were smaller than 80 amino acids, we used an E-value of 1e-05. To estimate the mean level of nucleotide sequence similarity at the genome level between Peptoniphilus obesi and other members of the Peptoniphilus genera, we compared genomes two by two and determined the mean percentage of nucleotide sequence identity among orthologous ORFs using BLASTn Orthologous genes were detected using the Proteinortho software [41].

Genome properties The genome is 1,774,150 Carfilzomib bp long (1 chromosome, but no plasmid) with a 30.10% G+C content (Table 4 and Figure 6). Of the 1,718 predicted genes, 1,689 were protein-coding genes and 29 were RNAs. A total of 1,278 genes (74.39%) were assigned a putative function. ORFans represented 4.9% (84 genes) of the predicted genes. The remaining genes were annotated as hypothetical proteins. The distribution of genes into COGs functional categories is presented in Table 5 and Figure 6.

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