Anthropometric measurements Anthropometric measurements

Anthropometric measurements Anthropometric measurements selleck chem inhibitor included total body mass (TBM; kg), height (m) and lower limb length. In order to measure the height and MCT analog scale (0.1 kg) with a coupled (0,005 m) stadiometer (R110, Welmy, Santa B��rbara do Oeste, S?o Paulo, Brazil) was used. To check the length of the lower limbs, a measurement tape (Terrazul, Cambuci, S?o Paulo, Brazil) was used, positioned between the anatomical points anterior superior iliac spine and lower edge of the malleolus tibial. 7 Body composition To assess the body composition the tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance method was used through the BIA 310e bioimpedance analyzer (Biodynamics – Seattle, Washington, USA), which produces an alternating electric current at a frequency of 50 kHz, imperceptible to humans.

This analysis was performed on two approaches: the total body and segmental limb. For total body bioimpedance, electrodes were placed in regions of the dorsum of the right hand and foot 8 and for segment evaluation the same electrodes were placed bilaterally in regions of the anterior superior iliac spine and medial malleolus. 7 In order to measure fat-free mass, the equation of Kyle et al. 8 was used: -4.104 + 0.518.E2/R + 0.231 x TBM + 0.130.Xc +, where H = height (cm), R = resistance (��), TBM = total body mass (kg), Xc = reactance (��) and sex=0 for women and 1 for men. For the estimation of lean mass segment, the ratio of the square of the length and strength of the lower limb (lenghth2/R) which, in a previous study, correlated with the local lean mass.

7 Strength and Muscle Fatigue The test of strength and resistance to muscle fatigue was associated with the use of three features: fitness station EMK 1500 (Kenkorp, S?o Paulo, Brazil), a EMG -810 surface electromyograph (EMG system of Brazil LTDA , S?o Paulo , Brazil), and a DIN_TRO traction dynamometer ( EMG System do Brazil LTDA , S?o Paulo, Brazil). For the strength test, the patient was asked to perform, with the knee at 90��, three maximal isometric knee extensions for five seconds with 30 seconds rest between each attempt. The maximum value reached (MVIC – maximal voluntary isometric contraction) was chosen, and from this result, it has been selected 50 % of this burden as a target for the reported conduct an isometric contraction of the knee for one minute.

To assist the patient in achieving the assessed level of force required, a visual monitoring unit showing a blue band with the plus and minus margin of 10 % of the calculated value was made through a computer monitor. The analysis of muscle fatigue was performed by surface electromyography (EMG). The electrodes were placed over the medial vastus muscle of the lower limb that Batimastat had a greater commitment by osteoarthritis following the recommendations of the SENIAM group. 9 The distance between the electrodes was 20 mm, and the reference electrode was placed over the contralateral medial malleolus.

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