Detailed classifications of playing positions (including detailed

Detailed classifications of playing positions (including detailed analysis of the goalkeeper position), fatigue development analysis during and after match-play and simultaneous Entinostat concentration analysis of physical, technical, and tactical game demands should also be considered in future research in this area. Investigations on the physiological demands of women’s football match-play involving simultaneous measurements

of heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2), and blood lactate (La) are still scarce (Table 4) mainly due to the difficulty, high cost, and laborious procedures required to conduct this type of studies. Even in the case of men’s football, they are also limited. To our knowledge, there is to date only one published study that has included simultaneous HR, VO2, La, and GPS measurements during find more a women’s football match.60 This investigation consisted of a full 90 min competitive friendly match (11 vs. 11), in which continuous HR and VO2 (via portable spirometry) and La assessment (every 15 min) was conducted simultaneously on 10 outfield players during the duration of the match ( Fig. 1). Similar to other authors, 46, 59 and 94 Martínez-Lagunas et al. 60 found a significant reduction in the players’ physical and physiological performance in the 2nd compared to the 1st half and a large individual variability of the results (mostly due

to the players’ positional role). However, the results of this latter study ( Table 4) are lower than published data on VO2 average values reported for male footballers collected via portable click here spirometry (57%–77% VO2max) 94 and 95

or by using Douglas bags (47%–60% VO2max) 96 during friendly games; average La values (2.4–10.0 mmol/L) 6 and 97 reported for male players during match-play; average HR (81%–87% HRmax), 46, 53 and 59 La (2.7–5.1 mmol/L), 22 and 98 and GPS (e.g., 9.1–9.6 km of total distance covered) 57 and 59 or computerized video-based (10.2–12.0 km of total distance covered) 46, 49, 53, 55, 61 and 99 physical data of female football players during competitive matches. The HR and VO2 results from Martínez-Lagunas et al. 60 are also lower than the average reported values based on indirect estimation via the HR-VO2 relationship (approximately 80%–90% of HRmax corresponding to ∼70%–77% VO2max), which may tend to overestimate actual VO2. 46, 53, 97 and 100 Possible reasons for the discrepancy of results may include gender, players’ characteristics and competitive level, game conditions, methodological differences, and movement impairment due to the measuring equipment. Further studies using a larger sample size (players and games) should be conducted in order to verify these results. Moreover, competitive level and positional role differences should also be evaluated in more detail in the future.

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