Experimental data were previously obtained in the horizontal velocity-to-position neural integrator of the awake, behaving adult goldfish (Aksay et al., 2000, Aksay et al., 2001, Aksay et al., 2003 and Aksay et al., 2007). Briefly, neuronal tuning curves were determined from extracellular recordings of integrator neuron activity. They were well approximated by a threshold-linear relationship between firing rate r i and eye position E during stable fixations, equation(Equation 1) ri=maxki(E−Eth,i),0=max(kiE+r0,i),0,ri=maxki(E−Eth,i),0=max(kiE+r0,i),0,described for a given cell i by a sensitivity k i and either eye-position
threshold Eth,iEth,i or intercept r0,ir0,i ( Figure 2A). Neuronal excitability was determined from intracellular recordings of the response to current buy SP600125 injection ( Figure 2D). Circuit interactions were assessed by extracellular recording of single-unit activity immediately
following localized pharmacological silencing of neighboring cells using lidocaine or muscimol. Neuronal drift patterns characterizing the effects of pharmacological inactivation were obtained by comparing firing rate drifts before and after inactivation (Supplemental Methods). Drift was plotted as a function of firing rate rather than eye position to eliminate potential confounds that could occur if the inactivations affected the PI3K Inhibitor Library ic50 eye position readout from the circuit by altering the relationship between firing rates and eye position. To pool across cells recorded in different preparations, neuronal activity was normalized using the eye-position sensitivities and intercepts given by the steady-state (control) tuning curve relationships (Equation 1). Firing rates for cell i were normalized
by first subtracting its primary rate r0,ir0,i and then many dividing by its position sensitivity ki, resulting in normalized rates in units of eye position. Firing rate drifts were normalized by the position sensitivity ki. An identical analysis was performed on the model firing rate data, permitting a direct comparison between experiment and theory. The model circuit contained 100 conductance-based neurons: 25 excitatory and 25 inhibitory neurons on each side of the midline. Tuning curves ri(E)ri(E) for 37 of the neurons were taken directly from the experimental measurements, with the other 63 generated by varying the slopes k and thresholds Eth of the experimental ones by uniformly distributed factors between 0.9 and 1.1, and −1° and 1°, respectively. Tuning curves of excitatory and inhibitory neurons were drawn from the same distribution.
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