In the analysis of loudness perception, the focus was on the unco

In the analysis of loudness perception, the focus was on the uncomfortable loudness level (UCL) and the dynamic range (DR). The UCL is the level at which a stimulus is Entospletinib in vitro perceived as uncomfortably loud. It

can provide information about the sensitivity for loud sounds and in that sense it is related to hyperacusis. A sum of 239 musicians participated in the loudness perception test. Their UCLs ranged from 76 to 120 dB SPL and the average UCL values were slightly lower than could be expected on the basis of the UCLs at pure tones in a general population. The average values were 103, 100, and 105 dB Evofosfamide in vitro SPL for 0.75 kHz NBN, 3 kHz NBN, and WBN, respectively. These differences all were significant when analysed by paired t tests. Consequently, the 3 kHz NBN was perceived as the least comfortable stimulus and the WBN as the most comfortable.

The DR is the range between the just noticeable stimulus intensity (i.e. usually close to the pure-tone threshold, at critical unit 5) and the intensity of the stimulus at the UCL (i.e. critical unit 50). The DR covers 45 critical units and provides information about the range in which a person can hear properly. This is strongly related to the phenomenon of recruitment that usually accompanies hearing loss from a cochlear origin. The DRs ranged from 48 to more than 120 dB (i.e. the maximum levels allowed) with average values of 82, 79, and 82 dB OSI-906 for 0.75 kHz NBN, 3 kHz NBN, and WBM, respectively. The DRs at 3 kHz NBN differed significantly from the DR at 0.75 kHz NBN (p < 0.001) and WBN (p < 0.01). We found no significant difference in the DRs of 0.75 kHz NBN and WBN. The DRs showed a number of significant correlations with the average absolute pure-tone threshold of both ears at

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 kHz, showing a decreasing DR for increasing pure-tone thresholds, but all correlations were weak (all r 2 < 0.09). In the results of the diplacusis matching Chloroambucil the deviation between the ears is expressed as a percentage of the measured frequency (e.g. when the pitch of a 1,000 Hz tone presented to the right ear is matched to the pitch of a 1,333 Hz tone presented to the left ear, the outcome measure is 3.3%). Table 2 shows the numbers and percentages of musicians with an interaural pitch difference of more than 1, 2, or 3%, respectively, and the numbers and percentages of musicians per instrument category that show diplacusis to such degrees. For a total of 106 musicians (44%) the interaural pitch difference was more than 1%, for 43 (18%) it was more than 2%, and for 20 (3%) more than 3% at one or more of the tested frequencies. Diplacusis more often occurs in the higher frequencies.

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