Indeed, the higher reaches of this system in the anterior cingulate are targeted in recent deep brain stimulation (DBS) initiatives for treatment-resistant depressions.38 A focus on the neurochemical controls in this system provides other options for medicinal development. Likewise, facilitation of SEEKING urges should further facilitate recovery, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical whether by joyful life activities, pharmacological stimulation of SEEKING
reserves, or even DBS of the nucleus accumbens and MFB.39 Figure 1. Human and animal sadness and animal separation-distress/GRIEF systems. Animal data comes from mapping of separation distress circuits with localized electrical stimulation in guinea pigs40 and human data from PET imaging of affective states by Damasio’s … Opioids that activate mu receptors are especially effective in reducing arousal of GRIEF/separation distress in animals.42 Each of the above neurochemical controls (eg, opioids and oxytocin) provides novel options to reduce the psychic pain of depression Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in ways that are currently not clinically used. Indeed, reasonably safe opioids, such as ultra-low-dose buprenorphine, are very effective antidepressants for individuals who have obtained
no relief from standard antidepressants.43 Similarly, drugs that inhibit CRF Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and glutamate, the key neurochemistries that promote separation calls (vocalizations made when young animals are separated from mothers or siblings, ie, GRIEF), have yielded promising antidepressant Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effects.44,45 In sum, GRIEF circuitry evolved from general pain mechanisms, well over a hundred million years ago (birds possess a homologous system). This emotional system forges social bonds and dependencies between infants and caretakers, and probably regulates adult social relationships and solidarity. The affective consequences of severed attachment bonds make adults suffer in a distinct way, commonly called grief, but this is not yet clinical depression. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Separation distress is only the gateway to depression
The acute GRIEF response may need to be supplemented by other neuroaffective changes before individuals cascade into sustained depressive lassitude and despair. Cytokines that promote sickness feelings because (eg, Interleukin 1) and endogenous inflammatory cascades have been proposed as possible causal vectors; both may operate, in part, by diminishing SEEKING arousals.46 A sustained depressive phenotype may arise when diminished SEEKING urges allow the behavioral manifestations of GRIEF (the “protest” phase of separation distress) to diminish. This need not mean that the intrapsychic pain of GRIEF also disappears. Indeed, if the psychic pain is sustained, the dysphoria of diminished SEEKING could further elevate negative affect.
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