Individual areas of 13 9 cm2 of the skin (two fish from all three

Individual areas of 13.9 cm2 of the skin (two fish from all three trials) were swabbed with sterile cotton swabs. Organisms were transferred to 10 ml of cooled ¼ Ringer solution (Oxoid, Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom) by vigorous shaking of the swabs. Appropriate series of decimal dilutions were performed, from which surface inoculation was accomplished using the 20 μl drop method in iron agar

solid medium (according to Gram, Trolle, & Huss, 1987) and in Pseudomonas agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom). Total viable counts (TVC), as well as selective counts of H2S-producing bacteria and Pseudomonas were performed after two days of incubation at 20 °C. Counts were performed in PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor clinical trial duplicate and expressed as logarithm of cfu/cm2. selleck kinase inhibitor The Torrymeter 295 (Distell, West Lothian, Scotland, UK) was used for physical evaluation (all 36 fish, from all trials). The measurements were taken in the anterior-dorsal region, first on the right side, then the left. The electrodes, maintained on the top of ice to keep the same temperature (around 0 °C) of the fish (as this, according to manufacturers’ instructions (Distell, 2007, p. 87), markedly influences the readings) were cleaned between measurements to remove scales and mucus, and the

remaining ice was cleared from the measuring surface. All fish of the three periods were evaluated at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 18 days of ice storage. Pearson correlation analysis with 95% confidence interval was used to determine the relationships between time of iced storage versus QI and time of ice storage versus Torrymeter

measurements. Additionally, linear regression analysis was Sulfite dehydrogenase accomplished using the statistical software Graph Prism, version 5.01 (Graph Prism Software Inc., San Diego, USA). Linear regression analysis of sensory changes in contrast to time in ice storage and Torrymeter measurements was performed with the data obtained. The equation that best fit and correlation coefficients (r2) of QI versus storage time in ice and Torrymeter values versus storage time in ice were calculated using Microsoft® Excel (Microsoft Co., Redmond, WA, USA). Initial changes in the following parameters were listed in a preliminary scheme: colour, appearance and odour of skin; texture (elasticity) of flesh; mouth appearance, colour and resistance; bright and colour of anal fluids, shape of the eyes and cornea and pupil appearance and finally colour, mucus and odours of gills. The total demerit points first established was 31. During the development of the scheme, no parameters were found to be useless; the gill odour initial points were modified because rotten and metallic odours occurred simultaneously in a large quantity of fish. Thus, the total of demerit points was defined as being 30.

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