Protein from each sample was electrophoresed

Protein from each sample was electrophoresed selleck inhibitor under reducing conditions on a 12. 5% polyacrylamide SDS gel and then transferred onto pol yvinyldifluoride membrane. Blots were hybridised with goat polyclonal anti Rap1A, rabbit polyclonal anti Mcl 1 or mouse monoclonal anti Bcl 2, antiactin, or rabbit polyclonal antibod ies to cIAP 1, XIAP, or cIAP 2, followed by horseradish peroxidise conjugated secondary antibodies. Blots were visualised after chemilumi nescence detection using a Bio Rad FluorS Max imager. Generation and cytokine starvation of mouse osteoclasts Mouse osteoclasts were generated in vitro from macrophage colony stimulating factor dependent bone marrow macrophages.

Bone marrow cells were flushed into 10 cm Petri dishes from the tibiae and femorae of adult male C57BL 6 mice and cultured in MEM containing 100 U mL penicillin, 100g mL streptomycin, 1 mM glutamine, 10% FCS, and 100 ng mL murine M CSF. After 2 days, non adherent cells were removed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and the adherent cells were re seeded into 24 well plates at a density of 2. 5 �� 104 cells per well in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the medium described above containing 25 ng mL M CSF and 20 ng mL murine RANKL. Multinucleated, TRAP positive osteoclasts formed after 5 days. These cultures are amenable to studies on osteoclast survival since the cells are highly dependent on the presence of exogenous pro survival factors such as M CSF, RANKL, TNF, or lipopolysaccharide. To induce osteoclast apoptosis, the medium was removed and replaced with fresh medium lacking M CSF RANKL or with medium containing 100 ng mL M CSF, 100 ng mL RANKL, 10 ng mL TNF, 0.

1M LPS, or M CSF RANKL. After 2 to 12 hours, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cell lysates were analysed by Western blotting as described above using antibodies to Mcl 1, Bcl 2, Bcl xL, and cleaved caspase 3. After 8 hours of cytokine starvation, osteoclasts grown on glass coverslips were also fixed and processed for analysis by scanning EM as described above. Statistical analysis The effects of BPs and RANKL on osteoclast number, osteo clast apoptosis, bone resorption, and caspase 9 activity were analysed by analysis of variance Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with a Bonferroni post hoc test. Results RANKL attenuates osteoclast apoptosis induced by clodronate or alendronate Treatment with 100M ALN or CLO reduced the number of adherent osteoclasts in plastic culture dishes Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries to approximately 52% and 57% of control cultures, respectively.

In the pres ence of 50 ng mL RANKL, the reduction in osteoclast number was significantly attenuated. Osteoclasts in culture dishes that were undergoing apoptosis but remained adherent were identified on the basis of charac teristic morphological features after staining with DAPI. Approxi mately 17% of adherent osteoclasts in culture dishes were apoptotic after treatment with 100M ALN or CLO for 48 hours. This was significantly reduced in the presence of 50 ng mL RANKL, similar to the proportion of osteoclasts undergoing apoptosis in cultures without BPs.

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