Similar results have been obtained for the binding sites of Rhodobacter sphaeroides PrrA (Eraso & Kaplan, 2009) and Vibrio fischeri LuxR (Antunes et al., 2008). Like the C24T mutation, transitions (pyrimidine–pyrimidine and purine–purine substitutions) often had less severe effects than transversions (pyrimidine–purine and purine–pyrimidine RO4929097 substitutions), suggesting that the respective nucleotides are not exclusively involved in direct interactions with a regulator, but in addition, influence promoter topology. (6) Thymidine 21 is invariant
in all R. capsulatus Mo-boxes (Fig. 1a), suggesting its importance for Mo-dependent regulation. Surprisingly, mutation T21C neither abolished Mo repression of anfA (Fig. 2c) nor binding by MopA and MopB (Fig. 3). In contrast to T21C, substitution of key nucleotides in other cis-regulatory elements often abolishes binding of the respective regulators including Salmonella typhimurium MetR (Byerly et al., 1991), Pseudomonas aeruginosa VqsR (Li et al., 2007), or Bacillus subtilis CAP (Weickert & Chambliss, 1990). Thus, we conclude that the anfA-Mo-box is a highly flexible regulator-binding site that even tolerates the substitution of a conserved nucleotide. (7) As expected, the JAK inhibitor anfAmop hybrid promoter was not bound by MopB (Fig. 3). Unexpectedly, however, binding by MopA was also (almost) completely abolished. Expression of the hybrid
promoter was no longer Mo regulated Sinomenine and threefold lower as compared with the expression of the wild-type promoter under derepressing conditions (Fig. 2a and c). This finding suggests that the interplay between anfA-Mo-box and flanking sequences is important for proper binding of RNA polymerase. (8) Consistent with the previously shown redundant function of MopA and MopB on anfA regulation (Wiethaus et al., 2006), all anfA-Mo-box mutations
analyzed in this study equally affected regulation and binding by both regulators, MopA and MopB (Figs 2 and 3). As outlined above for the Mo-repressed anfA-Mo-box, the effects of mutations on the Mo-activated mop-Mo-box were analyzed by lacZ reporter fusions (Fig. 4) and DNA mobility shift assays (Fig. 5). The effects of Mo-box mutations on mop gene activation and regulator binding may be summarized as follows. (1) The wild-type mop promoter was activated in the R. capsulatus wild-type background (column 1) and in the mopB mutant strain (column 3). No expression was observed in strains defective for mopA (Fig. 4b; columns 2 and 4), thus confirming that mop activation strictly depends on MopA (Wiethaus et al., 2006, 2009). Accordingly, MopA weakly shifted the wild-type mop promoter, while MopB did not bind the mop promoter at all (Fig. 5). As observed earlier (Wiethaus et al., 2006), gel shifts with the mop promoter did not produce distinct shifted bands, suggesting that promoter–activator complexes were disrupted during gel electrophoresis.
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