The CPE was introduced instead of a pure capacitor in the simulat

The CPE was introduced instead of a pure capacitor in the simulations to obtain a good agreement between the experimental and simulation data. The CPE impedance can be defined

as Z CPE = Q -1.(jω)-n where “n” is related to the slope of log Z vs. log f in the Bode plot, ω is the angular frequency and Q is the combination of properties related to both the surface and the electro-active species, and is independent of frequency. The CPE depends on both the parameter Q and the exponent “n,” but it should be stressed that Q is often approximated to capacitance. The CPE is in parallel arrangement with R 2-W elements, where R 2 is the charge transfer resistance which is in series with the Warburg element W. The circuit diagram is consistent with earlier results using the [FeII(CN)6]4- Linsitinib purchase / [FeIII(CN)6]3- redox couple in solution [13]. For a simple parallel resistance-capacitance combination, the conversion of the CPE parameter into capacitance can be estimated from the following equation [31]: where C is the capacitance and ω m,I = 2πf and f is the frequency at which the imaginary impedance Z I is maximum, and Q is the CPE parameter. Table 1 shows the results from the simulation experiments for both GO and ERGO. It can be seen that ERGO has lower charge transfer resistance compared to GO, which is consistent with previous works [13], where the

charge transfer resistance of ERGO and GO is 333 and 831 Ω·cm2, respectively. The charge transfer resistance XMU-MP-1 price of ERGO reported by Pumera [13] was deposited from GO at a constant potential of -1.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl in phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.2. The ID/IG peak for ERGO and GO obtained in this work in the “FTIR and Raman spectra” section is lower than previous

report [13], and the FTIR results also shows the presence of the sp2 hybridized C=C at around 1,610 cm-1 which could explain the lower charge transfer resistance in this work. Clearly, the electrolyte medium and the experimental conditions greatly influenced the charge transfer resistance value of ERGO. This higher charge transfer resistance of ERGO is primarily due to its higher electrical conductivity [32]. The chemical reduction of GO using sodium hydrosulfite nearly to produce RGO also gave an electrical conductivity of seven orders of magnitude higher than GO [33]. The higher electrical conductivity of ERGO could facilitate faster electron transfer to the [FeII(CN)6]4-/[FeIII(CN)6]3- redox couple, thus ERGO has lower charge transfer resistance R2 compared to GO. The higher charge transfer resistance of GO compared to ERGO in Table 1 has a good correlation with the higher electrical resistivity of GO compared to RGO obtained by Zhou [33]. It can be seen also that the value of surface capacitance for ERGO is nearly five times higher compared to that for GO.

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